Ayeyarwady river bank erosion 1988-2019
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Outputs from seasonal river morphological monitoring system showing erosion and deposition areas along the Ayeyarwady River, Myanmar after the end of every monsoon season developed under the USAID funded SERVIR-Mekong programme. This dataset uses on Landsat 5-7 satellite data series covering 31-year time scale from 1988 to 2019.
You can find tiff files from 1988 to 2019 here : http://geonode.themimu.info/...

Publication Date
Raster Data
Ayeyarwady , river bank , desposition , River Morphology , Erosion
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Maintenance Frequency
Data Is Updated Every Year

This product has been prepared for operational purposes only, to support humanitarian and development activities in Myanmar.

Temporal Extent
Jan. 1, 1988, 3:59 p.m. - Dec. 31, 2019, 3:59 p.m.
Data Quality
"No Change" ="1.0" "Erosion" ="2" "Deposition" ="3"
Supplemental Information


Spatial Representation Type
grid data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation

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