Tanintharyi Region Mangrove Forest dataset
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Geotiff download link : http://bit.ly/2PHtJyf

This is a Landsat 8-based classification of the extent and condition of mangrove forests in Tanintharyi Region. The classification is derived from satellite images which were acquired in 2014. The classification is based on ground truth data, which was collected in May and June 2015. In addition, further training polygons were digitized based on high-resolution Google Maps and Bing Maps...

Publication Date
Raster Data
Landsat 8 , Myanmar , Land cover , Mangroves
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Temporal Extent
Jan. 1, 2014, 12:08 a.m. - Jan. 31, 2014, 12:08 a.m.
Data Quality
The mangrove dataset may contain several inaccuracies and omissions. The calculated balanced accuracies for the individual mangrove land cover classes are the following: 81.105 % (Intact to slightly degraded mangroves), 88.96 % (Degraded mangroves), 86.225 % (Nipa monoculture), and 90.751 % (Heavily degraded mangroves). As this dataset inherently contains certain inaccuracies, a cross-verification via high-resolution Google Earth, Bing Aerial data or ground truth activities is recommended in case of doubt.
Supplemental Information

suggested citiation: Stephani, A.; Oswald, P.; Koellner, T.; Wegmann, M., 2016. Tanintharyi Region Mangrove Forest dataset (2014).
Point of contact: annast...

Spatial Representation Type
grid data is used to represent geographic data
Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation

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